Clean and Beautiful Block2Block

We are a community advocacy team working on a project called Clean and Beautiful Cleveland – Block2Block


A Litter Reduction and Beautification Project!

Clean and Beautiful Cleveland Block2Block Nancy Jones and Tracy Bellum
Clean and Beautiful Cleveland Block2Block Nancy Jones and Tracy Bellum
  • Our Why:
Many of our Cleveland neighborhoods, as well as others, are littered and trash strewn, which negatively impacts mental health, property values, business investment, community pride and environmental health.  We want to uplift people and their neighborhoods as well as cleanup the environment!
  • Our Vision
We envision a region significantly free of litter. People no longer litter.  They dispose of it properly.  A region where there is an abundance of beautiful flowers and trees that are visible throughout the region.  Waterways are clean and our ecosystems are healthy and thriving!
  • Our Mission
Launch a unified region-wide litter reduction and beautification initiative led by key stakeholders who create a united anti-litter campaign that changes people’s behavior such that people stop littering and communities plant numerous trees and flowers throughout the region.  In order to support this effort, we plan to start by implementing litter reduction and beautification courses in each Cleveland Metropolitan School District school to engage, inspire and empower our young students to care for the environment and foster pride for decades to come.

Dear Potential Partner, Sponsor and Donors:

  • We were awarded a Neighbor Up Action Grant of $3,500.00 to clean up and beautify a section of Mount Pleasant from 154th and Kinsman to the intersection of Kinsman and Martin Luther King Blvd!
  • We won $2000 for first place in the Quality of Life category competing in Citizens Make Change Accelerate 2023.
  • We are also piloting Litter Reduction and Beautification Course for 3rd,4th, and 5th graders at A.J. Rickoff Elementary School in Cleveland Metropolitan School District.


Our first project tentative event dates are:
– April 29, 2023 to clean up the area (rain date: May 6th).
 – June 3, 2023 to plant and post anti-litter signs (rain date June 10, 2023).

Clean and Beautiful Cleveland - Block2Block,

You can volunteer to help

We Need Your Support

We are seeking strategic partners, sponsors, and donors.

Corporate volunteers and community initiatives within your organization would be a great fit for our project.

You can share this page to support this project.

We Have Been Busy

We subsequently applied for and were accepted to compete in the Accelerate 2023 competition to promoteourvisonfortheregion. You can view our profile and vision in the link here under the category of “Quality of Life” presenters.

Clean and Beautiful Cleveland Block2Block Nancy Jones and Tracy Bellum

We won first place in the Quality of Life Category. We are excited as Nancy and Tracy presented this project with energy and passion. 

Watch our presentation 4:58

We are seeking to organize and launch a citywide Litter Reduction and Beautification effort led by the mayor’s office.

We also want to initiate Litter Reduction and Beautification classes for students in Cleveland Metropolitan Schools to inspire, empower, motivate, and create a generation of students who will protect and beautify our environment! 

  • Neighbor Up Action Grant Recipient.
  • Accelerate Cleveland 2023 Winner/ Quality of Life Category.

We are in the news starting at 2:26.

Our Current Partnerships Include:

Our Current Sponsors:

This project is not limited to the Mt. Pleasant area. This has been the initial focus to demonstrate how powerful a litter reduction program can be. 

A good litter program will help bring communities together.

For more information and to support this project contact, Nancy Jones, Team Leader at (216) 533-1234

You can contact us by email. 

This temporary page and design has been donated by RAHA1